We're Nate Tate and Mary Kate Tate, a brother and sister cookbook author team obsessed with all things China. We create authentic and accessible Chinese recipes for home cooks. See more...

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It All Boils Down

Traveling is stressful, especially when you’re constantly moving from city to city and waking up in different hotels. Our accommodations here in Yongding find us in a 120-year-old farmhouse complete with wooden boards for beds and a rooster outside the window for an alarm clock. His 4:30 A.M. wake up call and no sleep button option has Nate and I up in time to enjoy a breakfast of fried fish and eggs with the family of the house.

Before Nate and I began this summer, we knew only so much planning could be done and that the coming together of our book would rely on the unfolding of our journey, on mornings like these. Our objective- set from the get go- has remained a directional constant, but its realization has been a process. “Showcasing a people and the cuisine” is easier said than done. Is it a matter of concentrating on the people and throwing in some recipes? Do you describe the food and only occasionally mention the people? What exactly is a “culinary travelogue”?

The more we travel and have experiences, the more culture seems to boil down to the culinary: what people eat, when they eat, how they eat, and the way they choose to serve it says a lot about a people. The kitchen has become our library and the meals we’ve shared with the Chinese people our most valuable form of research. Mealtime is when people relax and feel free to be candid about life, politics, religion, and whatever else is on their mind. We’ve had some of our most meaningful conversations flow over a mug of beer and a hot plate of Gongbao Jiding.


Here's a recipe for Gongbao Jiding or "Peanut Chicken", a favorite of westerners and a dish common all over China. It's best enjoyed over cold beer, rice, and an excellent conversation.



2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts cut into small cubes

1 egg white, lightly whisked

1/3 cup peanut oil

4 dried red chillies, crushed

2 tablespoons soy sauce

2 tablespoons dry sherry

2 tablespoons water

2 tablespoons cornstarch

2 tablespoons rice vinegar

1 tsp sugar

1 garlic clove, finely minced

5 scallions, sliced lengthwise

1 tablespoon peeled ginger, sliced thin

1/2 cup unsalted peanuts or cashews


1. In a bowl mix sherry, soy sauce, water, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, rice vinegar, sugar. Set aside.

2. Next toss cubed chicken with egg white and 1 tablespoon cornstarch in a separate bowl. Set aside.

3. Heat up peanut oil in a wok and add the crushed red chillies. Sauté until chillies begin to turn brown. Remove chillies and set aside.

4. Place coated chicken in wok over high heat until browned, about 5 minutes. Remove from wok and set aside.

5. Pour out oil, leaving about a tablespoon in wok, reduce heat, and add ginger, scallions, and garlic and sauté for about 2 minutes.

6. Reduce heat to low and add sherry mixture, stirring for about 2 minutes or until sauce thickens

7. Add chicken, nuts, and chillies. Stir over heat for about 4 minutes

Reader Comments (14)

AWESOME!! Gongbao Jiding rocks...The pictures you guys took super impress me! They ARE professional!Keep it up- Yoje’s always watching 0_0

best regards,yo-G
July 1, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterYOjE
Awesome! Can't wait for the published version!
July 21, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterJules
The information demanding special attention. Very much it was pleasant to me
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February 2, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdebbiemcleen
THE BUZZ: It's so worth celebrating the long-awaited return of Lilo & Stitch co-directors Dean DeBlois & Chris Sanders to the animated world (though DeBlois did make Heima, a stellar documentary on the band Sigur Ros). DreamWorks Animation has been on a roll since Kung Fu Panda, and the fan reaction to Dragon's teaser art (located above) was strong, so I think we can expect a full-on marketing blitz, awkward promotional tie-ins included. For example: "Train your thirst at 7-11."

Director: Atom Egoyan http://www.wazzzup.su>фильмы бесплатноStars: Julianne Moore, Amanda Seyfried, Liam Neeson (Full Cast)Studio: Sony Pictures Classics

The Plot: A doctor (Moore) hires an escort (Seyfried) to seduce her husband (Neeson), whom she suspects of cheating, though unforeseen desires place the family in danger.Photos

THE BUZZ: Chloe is notable for many reasons: production was close to wrapping when Liam Neeson's wife, Natasha Richardson, passed away; Atom Egoyan hasn't flirted with potential mainstream success in over a decade; Amanda Seyfried needed to play an unsweeted character such as the titular Chloe. We hear the third act goes a little over the top (yay!) and that Julianne Moore owns the film, which is a remake of Coco Before Chanel writer-director Anne Fontaine's 2003 effort, Nathalie....
March 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTorrentMasterOo
Yes you talent :) Where have you graduated from?

April 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbeaurgy
How nice girls got so casual about oral sex. The first time I heard a mother of girls talk about the teenage oral-sex craze, I made her cry.6 Jan 2009 It is well known in the sex research arena that the more educated a woman is the more often she will receive oral sex.
October 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBertheawaywem
Спасибо за ответы на все вопросы :) На самом деле узнал много нового. Вот только до конца так и не разобрался что и откуда.

Unele jocuri sunt complicate, altele sunt mai simple. În func?ie de vârst? ?i de capacitatea de în?elegere ?i ac?iune, copilul manifest? preferin?e diferite pentru joc, pe m?sura trecerii de la o etap? la alta a dezvolt?rii psihice. Copilul mic tinde s? participe la jocurile celor mari, dar de multe ori nu reu?e?te s? se integreze condi?iilor impuse de joc. Un copil cu o personalitate mai puternic? nu se resemneaz?, ci depune eforturi pentru a face fa??. Ceilal?i, cu o personalitate mai slaba, renun??, spunându-?i "Ei sunt mai mari…eu sunt mic….". Pentru copiii mai mari jocurile u?oare nu prezint? interes, pentru c? nu le ofer? posibilitatea de a se antrena, de a-?i etala puterile cu colegii lor de joc. http://www.jocuricopii12.com/jocuri-copii/>jocuri pentru copiiExist? câteva lucruri de remarcat: în primul rând, jocul fortific? un copil din punct de vedere fizic, îi imprim? gustul performan?elor precum ?i mijloacele de a le realiza. În al doilea rând, jocul creeaz? deprinderi pentru lucrul în echip?, pentru sincronizarea ac?iunilor proprii cu ale altora, în vederea atingerii unui scop comun. Un al treilea rând, jocul provoac? o stare de bun? dispozi?ie, de voie bun?, oferindu-i omului posibilitatea de a uita pentru un timp de toate celelalte ?i de a se distra,dându-i parc? mai mult? poft? de via??. jocuri pentru copiiCopilaria este cea mai frumoasa perioada din viata fiecaruia, reprezentand varsta inocentei si a candorii. Jocul si joaca sunt elemente caracteristice copilariei, ele ii dau farmec, reprezentand o modalitate prin care copii pot descoperi lumea inconjuratoare si totodata minunatele lucruri pe care copilaria le poate oferi. Aceste elemente se afla intr-o legatura foarte stansa: prin joc, copii descopera lumea, iar adultii se intorc la perioada copilariei, redescoperind acea varsta a inocentei. Datorita acestui lucru jocul a devenit adiacent unei alte teme si anume copilaria.Motivul jocului se regaseste in numeroase opere ale unor mari scriitori dar fiecare dintre acestia ne prezinta propria sa viziune asupra copilariei: unii scriitori ca Ion Creanga, Mihai Eminescu, Tudor Arghezi, Mark Twain creioneaza in operele lor o copilarie fericita, lipsita de griji, in care preocuparile principale sunt jocul si joaca pe cand alti scriitori, precum Ionel Teodoreanu, George Cosbuc, George Toparceanu, ne prezinta o copilarie trista in care copiilor le sunt aratate greutatile si responsabilitatile vietii prea devreme, acest lucru devenind traumatizant pentru acestia.Cel mai cunoscut monument romanesc ridicat copilariei, "Amintiri din copilarie", ilustreaza foarte bine relatia de complementaritate dintre joc si copilarie. Copilul Nica se joaca mereu. Fie ca este vorba de furtul cireselor sau de inscenarea unei slujbe bisericesti ori de jocul cu batul, atitudinea copilului este de nepasare puerila. Frumusetea operei sta in dezinvoltura cu care omul matur povesteste propria-i copilarie, identificandu-se pana la un punct cu mentalitatea varstei respective, dar privind-o cu nemarginita simpatie si umor. In fond, scriitorul isi joaca rolul sau de copil astfel invitandu-ne in lumea sa pentru a ne putea arata farmecul varstei de aur a omului dintotdeauna si de pretutindeni. Ca si in povestirile lui Mark Twain, cu care prozatorul roman are cateva puncte in comun, ne sunt povestite ispravile unui copil de 13-14 ani, trecute de mult si devenite de neuitat prin ceata amintirii. In acest sens amintesc binecunoscutul roman "Aventurile lui Tom Sawyer", al faimosului scriitor american Mark Twain. In acest roman ne sunt relatate nazbatiile lui Tom, personajul principal, care impreuna cu Huckleberry Finn,cel mai bun prieten al sau, se joaca de-a detectivii. Aventura este tema romanelui si jocul devine un motiv adiacent ei.Un simulacru reprezentativ creat de Mark Twain ramane "Print si cersetor". Doi copii apartinand unor paturi sociale diferite isi schimba identitatile si de aici se naste o adevarata aventura. Jocul ia o intorsatura putin dramatica atunci cand cei doi descopera ca nu-si mai pot capata inapoi identitatea adevarata. Ei sunt aruncati in medii diferite si realizeaza ca stilul de viata cu care fusesera obisnuiti este cel care li se potriveste. Cu greu vor reusi sa redevina ceea ce fusesera, caci aventura cunoasterii se transforma intr-o capcana din care vor iesi abia dupa mai multe incercari, ca intr-un joc periculos. jocuri pentru copiiPoezia "Copii eram noi amandoi" reprezinta un simbol al temei abordate, reliefandu-se in aceasta creatie copilaria, jocul si joaca: "Din loji de nuca car cu boi/ Faceam"(fragment ce ne indica prezenta jocului), "Adesea la scaldat mergeam/In ochiul de padure"(fragment ce descrie o secventa specifica copilariei). Intre cei doi frati, mai probabil de cruce decat de sange, se infiripa o legatura puternica avandu-si originea in jocurile copilaresti. Imaginatia lor nestavilita transforma in turnul Vavilon un castel din carti de joc si niste sarmane broaste in inamici de temut. Omul matur vede cat de nesemnificative erau jocurile lor, dar realizeaza ce pretioasa era tovarasia prietenului sau. Sfarsitul poeziei reprezinta un suspin dureros al poetului cu privire la despartirea lor fizica, intrucat intre ei exista o legatura pe care nici moartea nu o poate distruge: "Ah! V-ati dus, visuri, v-ati dus!/ Mort e al meu frate./ Nimeni ochii-i n-a inchis/ In strainatate - / Poate-s deschisi si-n groapa!¦ Dar ades intr-al meu vis/ Ochii mari albastri/ Lumineaza - un suras./ Din doi vineti astri/ Sufletu-mi trezeste."
February 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBorenervepeby
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